Hip Arthroscopy Physiotherapy & REHABILITATION
Hip Physiotherapy Rehabilitation in Melbourne
Hip Arthroscopy is a relatively new procedure, where specialist surgeons are performing keyhole surgery on the hip joint. This is a highly technical procedure and the correct hip physiotherapy rehabilitation following hip arthroscopy is of utmost importance.
At Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists work very closely with hip specialists, and have specific training to rehabilitate your hip following hip arthroscopy surgery.
It doesn’t matter if you are planning on returning to sport, work or your day-to-day life, completing thorough rehabilitation will get you better results, and allow you to feel better, faster.
A pre-operative appointment is highly recommended to get a head start on gluteal muscle function. On average, it takes approximately 12-16 weeks for the initial recovery following hip arthroscopic surgery, though this is variable depending on the exact nature of your hip joint status and the exact surgery performed. It can take 4-18 months to be fully recovered.
The hip specific physiotherapy rehabilitation focuses on the deep hip external rotator muscle endurance, proprioception/balance, core endurance and gluteal muscle strength. Often, remedial massage is required to release muscle tension, once the hip joint healing is nearing completion.
Thorough hip rehabilitation involves specific physiotherapy, tailored to your exact surgery. You must be careful that your hip arthroscopic surgery is not treated like a traditional hip replacement, as you may become very sore, very quickly.
Your rehabilitation has a very large impact on your overall recovery, so make sure you see a physiotherapist with expertise and training in this field. Please call Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy to find a suitable physiotherapist in your area.
Hip Arthroscopy Rehabilitation
At Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists can assist with rehabilitation following hip arthroscopy for:
- Labral Tears/ Repair
- Ligametum Teres Tears
- Femoral-Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
- FOC (Femoral Ostectomy)
- CAM & PINCER Deformities
- Gluteal Tendon pathology/tears
- Psoas Tendon pathology/tendinopathy
- Synovitic debridement
- Trochanteric Bursitis
- Lateral Hip Pain
- Labral Debridement
- Osteitis Pubis Syndrome
The team at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy have a special interest in hip arthroscopy physiotherapy rehabilitation, and have undergone extra training to allow them to be provide effective and safe rehabilitation. To assist with your rehabilitation, please bring to your appointment your operation report and any intra-operative photos that your arthroscopy surgeon may have provided you with. Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy are very happy to recommend a surgeon best suited to your needs. Please call if you have any queries regarding your hip pain or rehabilitation.
To book a Pre-Operative or Post-Operative Hip Arthroscopy Physiotherapy appointment at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, please Book Online or call the Essendon, North Melbourne or Blackburn clinics.