SHOULD I SEE A MELBOURNE RUNNING PHYSIOTHEAPIST with a special interest in running injuries?
Like everything these days, seeing a generalist doesn't often cut it. You need to see people who have a special interest in their field.
At Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, we can help you with all your running injury rehabilitation and running physiotherapy needs.
A running physiotherapy consultation at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy begins with the end in mind.
We will ask you questions about your running level (elite/ sub -elite / amateur) and your running goals (sprints/ mid or long distance / marathons /recreation / fitness), so we have a clearly defined rehabilitation target tailored to you.
Next we will discuss your injury and recent running history. Please bring in any data you may have, ie Strava etc
Finally, we will complete physical testing, which may include a number of options, depending on each injury and situation.
Physical Testing of running injuries may include:
- Joint and muscle mobility and range of motion assessment
- Strength assessment using Hand Held Dynamometers
- Power & Rate of Force assessment using our high tech AxIT force plate system
- Treadmill assessment
- Training program and running load management assessment
- Sports Podiatry assessment and input (where required)
Having access to elite level testing equipment allows us to determine exactly what needs to change and improve to get you back running ASAP.
It's simple really. Once we know exactly what is causing your running issues, we implement a plan to correct these deficits and get you back in action, comfortably.
We don't take short cuts, they don't work. (Trust us, we've tried everything over the years!)
What we do know that works is a systematic process, where we give you the correct rehabilitation program based on your specific deficits. No cookie cutter approach here.
In the vast majority of cases, you will have a targeted strengthening program, namely around the calf, quads, hamstrings, gluteals, trunk and foot intrinsic muscles.
Most people's gym programs cover a portion of these, though there are always more efficient and effective ways of training and strengthening. We will guide you through this.
It is likely we will do some soft tissue work in the short term to calm your pain down, though we know this isn't a permanent long term solution.
If you're coming to see our running sports physiotherapists in Melbourne just for a massage in the belief that this will solve your ongoing running issues, you are incorrect. It simply doesn't work, and if you're not willing to commit to a course of rehabilitative strength focused exercises, we suggest you seek treatment elsewhere.
HOW DOeS A RUNNING PHYSIOTHERAPIST KNOW YOU'RE READY to run AGAIN, and Do I need to stop running If I am injured?
This is the million dollar question!
Firstly, we'll do everything we can to keep you running if you are injured. This would likely be in a modified running program, though there are some injuries where total rest from running is required ( severe acute muscle tears, stress fractures for example).
We know the human body doesn't like rapid change to activity levels, so keeping you running whilst injured, even in a small capacity, can get you to your end goal faster without the need for a long re-load program.
We have specific testing and exercise progressions to ensure that your return to running is as scientific as possible.
This is very dependent on each individual's situation, though at a very simplistic level, if you can't hop comfortably, you're a long way from running.
Keeping your muscles strong so they can absorb the energy of sudden physical stress.
Dynamic stretching of your before physical activity, i.e. calf rises or squats.
Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of you running training.
Practicing proper technique for running drills and other sporting activities.
Embracing a targeted running fitness programs to develop strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.
Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of you running training.
Allowing adequate recovery time between your runs and training sessions.
Wearing appropriate and correctly fitted footwear.
Drinking plenty of water before, during and after physical activity
How can physiotherapy treatment help RUNNING INJURIES?
If you're sick and tired of not running, or running with pain during, after or the next day, we can help you.
To make an appointment with our excellent running physios, you can make a time online below or call your nearest clinic on 1300 369 930.
If you have any questions about whether we're the right people to help you get back running, please contact us and one of our running physiotherapists will get back to you via phone.
We look forward to helping you return to running fast and comfortably soon!
OTHER RUNNING Related Topics That May Interest You:
1. Strength Assessment for Runners