February 2020 - I remember the days of the fitness industry of the mid-2000’s when I started to do exercise for my own injury management and weight loss, and signed up to my first gym. Gyms were practically all the same, people focused mainly on upper body and ‘traditional bodybuilding’ exercises, people used to read bodybuilding magazines and the whole industry seemed to be more focused on supplements than anything else. Fast forward to 2020 and now there are all sorts of different gyms with different forms of training: F45, Crossfit and powerlifting probably being the main popular ones. While bodybuilding magazines and supplements still exist on a less in-your-face scale, thankfully the world has shifted focus to functional training with movements which more accurately approximate real-life movements and activities rather than just ‘getting big’.
August 2017 - Functional training has gained increasing popularity in the fitness industry with focus on exercising and loading the body in functional movement patterns over the more traditional isolated exercises and machines. Functional movement patterns replicate normal day to day movements, loading the body in the way that it was designed to
July 2017 - We are heading into the heart of marathon season and are rapidly approaching the Run Melbourne Marathon. There are common mistakes that new and old runners make in the lead up to events,. The Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy Running staff have decided to share some tips and tricks to keep you running well, and injury free, leading into your event.
Tips & Research
A hip labral tear or hip impingement could be what’s causing your grief. No need to worry, we’ll unpack the what, why & how - physiotherapy can help.
Tips & Research
Physiotherapy, which is commonly called physical therapy in other countries, is a branch of science that primarily deals with physical medicine and physical...
December 2019 - In order to get onto the road to recovery, strengthening exercises are essential. Yet after surgery or certain leg and arm injuries, joint and muscle pain can be big problems and limit people to not being able to do much rehab beyond gentle exercises. A recent solution to this problem is Blood Flow Restriction Training (also known as Occlusion Training), which helps give the benefits of harder or heavier exercise training whilst doing a lower intensity one that is less stressful for the injured joint or muscle.
A Gluteus Minimus tear can heal quite well on it's own, though larger tears need good quality sports physio rehab guidance. For Gluteus medius tears rehab in Melbourne, talk to Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy.
Tips & Research
How to test & improve your balance & proprioception with easy tests & exercises. They're designed to get your body moving & working again. Improve your balance
January 2021 - Lower back pain is never a fun time - it impairs your work, family time, exercise routine and even the ability to do simple tasks such as getting dressed or cleaning the house.
Tips & Research
Physiotherapy is vital in your shoulder recovery following a surgery in Melbourne. You should expect that your surgeon recommends you to see a highly skilled physiotherapist who knows and understands shoulder surgery.
Tips & Research
Osgood Schlatter's Disease occurs as a result of apophysitis (an irritation / inflammation of a growth plate). Find out how sports physiotherapists at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy can help treat your child's Osgood related knee pain.
Tips & Research
Hamstring strains are the most common injury in soccer and football. Strains can range from a small tweak or pull, to a much more severe high grade tear.
Tips & Research
February 2021 - The first few weeks coming out of lockdown unfortunately saw an unpleasant trend. Physios were seeing an increase of people with foot pain, that when further investigated turned out to be stress fractures.
Tips & Research
May 2018 - Tendons are the structures that connect muscles to bones. Pain and pathology in a tendon, known as tendinopathy, is a common injury in athletes that can prove quite difficult to manage. A tendon becomes tendinopathic when it is subject to higher loads than it can withstand, upon which the tendon starts to change in structure resulting in pain and disability.
Tips & Research
July 2017 - One of the most common questions we receive at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy is "how much training/ running can I do before I am going to break/ get injured/ re- injure or fall apart?" . Up until the last few years, this has been a tricky question to answer. As more research comes to light on the topic of training loads, we are now able to give patients, and practitioners, better clues about the risk of injury that they undertake when they go out to train or play.
Feb 2021 - We live in a world where all of us want to be the best that we can be - the best mother, father, employee, friend and sportsman. When it comes to
Hamstrings are made up of 3 muscles on your thigh that extend the hip & flex the knee. Hamstring strains are common in some sports, so how can they be avoided?
Tips & Research
May 2019 - Many women experience changes to their weight during the perimenopause and after menopause. Menopause doesn't cause women to gain weight, but it can cause body fat to shift from the hips to the abdomen due to the decrease in oestrogen levels. Weight gain around the stomach is not healthy. It can increase blood pressure and blood fat, and can increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and some cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight and fitness at this time of life is very important to help reduce the risk of chronic disease.
Tips & Research
Shin splints are a common running injury, especially in marathon runners, though they are easily managed with the correct treatment and care. The team at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy can help you with shin splint issues, especially for runners who have upcoming marathons.
Tips & Research
Are you suffering from hand pain or wrist pain and are looking for physiotherapy? Physiotherapy can help acute, overuse or repetitive strain injuries.
February 2020 - As cyclists, we are always looking for ways to improve and get faster. Depending on ability and the time of year, typical cycling training may consist of about 90% long slow endurance training on the bike and 10% intensity sessions. This balance allows cyclists to maximise their aerobic capacity and then improve their anaerobic threshold resulting in each cyclist reaching their full potential.
If you’re having problems improving your flexibility, you may need physiotherapy treatment or advice. Even if you are regularly stretching, the desired...
Tips & Research
October 2016 - If you’re having problems improving your flexibility, you may need physiotherapy treatment or advice. Even if you are regularly stretching, the desired results may not be possible if you’re unable to identify the exact problem and therefore enact an appropriate remedy. For example, pain in a certain area could be indicative of poor neural mobility, which is related to when your nerves aren’t working together as well as they should. This can be corrected with suitable massaging techniques and other movements that address this issue.
Tips & Research