July 2017
Are you Run Melbourne Ready?
We are heading into the heart of marathon season and are rapidly approaching the Run Melbourne Marathon. There are common mistakes that new and old runners make in the lead up to events,. The Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy Running staff have decided to share some tips and tricks to keep you running well, and injury free, leading into your event.
Manage your load
A couple of weeks out from a competition, you should look to be decreasing the amount of running that you are doing. This can be through running fewer sessions or running less kilometres. This is to ensure that your body, and in particular, your legs, are feeling fresh heading into the event.
Time your Remedial Massage well
A lot of new runners make the mistake of getting a heavy deep massage a few days out from their race. For many, this can make their legs feel like lead. A light flush should be enough leading into a marathon. Remedial massage a week before the event and following your event as it is a great way to flush out toxins and get you feeling better quicker.
Get on top of (potential) injuries now
For some, niggles start to appear towards the end of a long training program. If you have any injury issues, please check in with your local running physiotherapist sooner rather than later. It is unlikely that being a few weeks out from competition, that major changes will be made to your program. They will, however, be able to provide useful strategies, such as taping, to help keep you running and able to finish your race. Once your marathon is completed, they will be able to treat your condition further, and get to the source of your issues.
Keep your footwear consistent
A great way to get blisters and run into trouble is to buy a fancy new pair of runners and wear them for the first time during the race! Please keep running in the same shoes that you have been training in. This will decrease the chances of developing blisters or bringing on any new injuries. The same rule applies for new clothing. Wear comfortable lightweight clothing, that you have already trained in. This will help reduce the chance of chafing.
If you have any questions or are looking for some physiotherapy running tips heading into Run Melbourne, come and check in with our expert team of running physiotherapists at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy in Essendon and Blackburn. Call 1300 369 930 to book.
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