April 2018 - Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur in up to 3% of recreational athletes and as many as 15% of professional athletes. ACL ruptures are seen most commonly in sports that involve pivoting and change of direction, for example AFL, netball and skiing.
April 2018 - Daylight savings has ended, the evenings are getting darker, the mornings crisper and it is natural to reduce the time we spend outside as Summer shifts into Winter. As daylight hours shorten and the weather cools down, our motivation to exercise can decrease and staying inside curling up under a blanket may be more appealing than hitting the gym.
March 2018 - The countdown is on with less than a month to go until the 2018 Commonwealth Games, which are being hosted at Australia’s Gold Coast, between April 4th to April 15th. Each sport will require different preparation for competition and recovery. Athletes will have varying demands depending on which sport they are competing in.
February 2018 - When preparing for a running race, it’s important to consider the training you’ll need to do get yourself ready and prepared enough so that you can enjoy the day. For anyone new to running, a structured program is good to follow, where you can start small and increase your fitness over a period of time.
January 2018 - Tennis players from across the globe are coming together in Melbourne for Australia’s annual grand slam, the Australian Open. The players competing are elite athletes who train to keep their bodies in top condition and to improve their chances of winning. Due to the physical strain, many can succumb to injury at some point in their career.
December 2017 - Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Soccer builds teamwork, cardiovascular performance, and develops balance, agility, coordination and core strength. It is enjoyed by young and old, and people of all body sizes, but like all sports soccer can take its toll, leading to various injuries.
December 2017 - Golf requires much more athletic ability than many imagine
Golf is a sport with many health and wellbeing benefits. A reported 60 million people of all ages play golf across the world, sometimes into their 80s and 90s.
The health benefits have been widely reported in recent years with an 18 hole round amounting to 6-8 km of walking, requiring over 8,000-12,000 steps and a calorie burn of 1,500.
December 2017 - Many of us will have experienced a sprained ankle at some point during our lives. When you roll your ankle you can cause stretching or tearing to the surrounding ligaments, resulting in a sprain. Ankle sprains are usually caused by the foot rolling inwards or outwards. This can happen when doing activities such as walking or running on uneven surfaces, climbing stairs and playing sport.
December 2017 - With the cricket season now in full-swing, it is important for cricketers of all ages and abilities to be aware of some of the inherent injury risks of playing the sport. While cricket is a non-contact sport and does not produce the same type of injuries as AFL, there are still some commonly sustained cricket-related injuries to look out for.
November 2017 - From a young age many of us have been taught that stretching prior to exercise helps prevent injury. However, with the ongoing debate about whether to stretch statically or dynamically, and before or after running, many runners are not sure on how to choose the best stretching strategy for optimal results and reduced injury.
October 2017 - A regular sports massage can ease the pains of a heavy work load on the bike during the long rides.
The active season has truly begun, and for the die-hard cyclist out there the long rides are becoming more testing. A remedial, or sports massage, becomes one of the most asked for treatments in the practice.
September 2017 - Are you someone that has been dealing with ongoing and persistent pain? There is a wide range of information on ‘doctor google’ that will attribute this pain to different anatomical structures and injuries.
One of the most important things to realise about ongoing pain is that pain does not necessarily mean tissue damage or injury. Pain is only an output of the brain.
August 2017 - Functional training has gained increasing popularity in the fitness industry with focus on exercising and loading the body in functional movement patterns over the more traditional isolated exercises and machines. Functional movement patterns replicate normal day to day movements, loading the body in the way that it was designed to
July 2017 - Over the past ten years, there seems to have been an increase in discussion about running style and how this can influence a runners pain and performance.
July 2017 - Liam Robinson, APA Sports Physiotherapist at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, talks about his recent time away as lead physiotherapist for the Georgia u20s rugby union squad during the recent World Rugby Under 20s Championships in Tbilisi, Georgia.
July 2017 - One of the most common questions we receive at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy is "how much training/ running can I do before I am going to break/ get injured/ re- injure or fall apart?" . Up until the last few years, this has been a tricky question to answer.
July 2017 - We are heading into the heart of marathon season and are rapidly approaching the Run Melbourne Marathon. There are common mistakes that new and old runners make in the lead up to events,. The Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy Running staff have decided to share some tips and tricks to keep you running well, and injury free, leading into your event.
April 2017 - Running is one of the most common exercises and has range of health benefits, however it can also lead to issues which your local physio can help with. People run for various reasons such as improving their fitness or losing weight, but just how good is it for the body?
April 2017 - In recent years, more and more women are recognising the benefits of obstetric (pregnancy) massage in Melbourne. It was once perceived as a form of alternative therapy, however it has become an increasingly popular way for women to reduce pregnancy discomfort. Research has shown that this type of massage is beneficial for pregnant women as it provides a number of health benefits.
March 2017 - Officially recognised as the FIA Formula One World Championship, F1 or Formula One is nothing less than highest class of top-flight single-seat auto racing – which explains the drivers’ susceptibility to back pain and neck injuries – and is mandated by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA).
March 2017 - Prior to getting started with a new physical regime, it’s we recommend setting an appointment with your doctor or physio. A credible doctor or physio in Melbourne should be able to provide you with advice, support, and a comprehensive medical check-up before you start any new physical activity program.
February 2017 - Deep tissue massage therapy is one of the most common types of massage in Melbourne, and involves applying firm and deep pressure with fingers, thumbs and elbows. The deep, slow strokes and friction help reach deeper layers of muscles and fascia aiding in the release chronic muscle tension
February 2017 - Physiotherapy, which is commonly called physical therapy in other countries, is a branch of science that primarily deals with physical medicine and physical rehabilitation. The process involves the use of mechanical movements and force to remediate impairments and help promote function, mobility, and quality of life.
January 2017 - The back provides support to the body whether you live an active or sedentary lifestyle. The more active you are, the more support your back needs but inactivity can also result in back problems. To maintain the muscle mass and strengthen it, regular exercises are needed.