December 2019
By Liam Oliver, Physiotherapist
Best exercises for surfers to have less shoulder injuries and perform better
Have you ever thought of trying to explain the sport of surfing to somebody that had never seen it before?
You get thrown out into the ocean, on an ironing-board like object made of fiberglass. You have to lie down and paddle against the crashing waves barrelling towards you.
Once you have battled the waves for a little, you will then turn around and try and stand on the unstable board under you and ‘ride the wave’. Ridiculous right?
Think about the different physical components that are needed to do this somewhat successfully. You need the overall flexibility, upper body strength to paddle, the stamina to crash through wave after wave, the power to pop up as fast as you can, the balance to stand up, the core stability to whip your body into a turn and the coordination to put it all together. Easy!
Despite all of this, many surfers don’t spend the time out of the water to prepare themselves for what will be thrown at them in the water. The elite surfers on the World Surfing League tour spend hours every week strengthening the physical components (strength, balance, flexibility, etc.) that were mentioned above.
So we’ve gathered the top three surfing exercises that these elite athletes use, and delivered them to you.
1. Thoracic Mobility Sequence
2. Shoulder Taps
3. Bottom Up Kettlebell Chest Press
If you are interested in an individualised exercise plan that is specific to surfing and tailored to your ability, then book in with one of our specialist surfing physiotherapists today.
You don’t have to be injured to come and see us! If you are injured though, let us help you get back on your board.
How can we help you?
At Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy our goal is to get you moving pain free as soon as possible.
But, we also want you to actually move better and live a healthier, more active and fulfilling life!
If your sports, fitness training or work has been wearing your body down, book in with one of our physiotherapists or expert massage therapists so we can help you reduce your pain or stiffness.
If you are showing some signs of this condition or simply want help prevent this from happening in the future then book in with one of our highly experienced team today!
You can make an appointment by calling or booking online.