How to return to exercise safely after pregnancy
Exercise after pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Regular exercise after pregnancy can:
Promote weight loss
Improve your cardiovascular fitness
Strengthen and tone abdominal muscles
Boost your energy level
Relieve stress
Promote better sleep
However it is important to follow certain guidelines and ensure a safe return to exercise postpartum. Every woman, every pregnancy and every delivery is different: so return to exercise needs to be tailored to the individual.
What exercise should I do after pregnancy?
Under the guidance of a physiotherapist, pelvic floor exercises can be recommenced within the first few days after birth, ideally you will have been doing these exercises throughout pregnancy.
After an uneventful vaginal delivery you can begin gentle walking as soon as you are comfortable. In the first 6 weeks just focus on going walks and caring for your baby. Let your body recover! After you have had a 6 week follow up with your GP: you are safe to start exercising. This is when you should see you Physiotherapist for an assessment.
When can I start exercises after pregnancy?
After an uneventful Cesarean section you will need to take it easy and protect the healing incision. Correct manual handling and bed to chair transfers are very important as to not place extra stress on the incision. After 6 weeks, you will be healed enough to begin very gentle exercise within certain guidelines but vigorous exercise is not recommended before 3 months as the incision will still be healing until that time. You should see your Physiotherapist at 6 weeks, after your GP follow up, for careful guidance about return to exercise.
Is it safe to exercise after pregnancy?
When returning to exercise it is important to exercise within certain guidelines as to not place extra stress on your pelvic floor muscles or any abdominal separation that occurred during pregnancy. This means avoiding any exercise that requires you to “brace” with your abdominals or doing any crunch/ sit up like exercises until it is safe to do so.
At Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy our physiotherapists will be able to guide you through this whole process performing an assessment to determine your individual needs and goals. They will then assist you with an individualised program targeted towards your goals and best suited to your needs.
Book in for an assessment today!
If you have sustained an injury from playing tennis or are just keen on a targeted, individualised injury prevention program book in with one of our Physiotherapists today!
Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy
Melbourne Sports Physio has a range of qualified and experienced professionals who can help provide ongoing support and treatment. Our friendly team are located in across Melbourne in Essendon, North Melbourne and Blackburn South, and appointments can be made by calling or booking online.