Aug 2019
If you are suffering from a shin splint issue, don't worry, we can help you!
Below are a few of our favourite shin splint exercises for people who get pain running or post sport.
1. Single Leg Calf Raises
The calf complex is a majorly important muscle group for running and team sports as they initiate propulsion and locomotion. As important as the calves are, we often find they are the most neglected muscle in training programs for runners!
Decreased capacity and weakness can lead to shin splints as there is inadequate force absorption and force generation at the ankle. This causes the inside connective tissue to become overloaded and generate pain.
Try a calf raise off the step to build up some capacity. Come slowly down and focus on pushing down through the big toe on the way up to keep the ankle nice and straight.
2. Double Leg Bent Calf Raise
The soleus is a deep muscle of the calf often considered a workhorse muscle. It generates high forces but has massive work rate capabilities.
The soleus attaches to the inside of the shin bone (tibia) and can generate shin splint pain (Medial tibial stress syndrome) when overloaded.
This variation of the calf raise gets better recruitment of the ‘soleus’ muscle and will add some good strength to the bank!
3. Arch Setting- Foot Exercise
The arch of the foot is important to help control the foot from excessively rolling inwards (pronation).
A certain degree of rolling inwards is natural, however when we have too much this can lead to forces being transferred to the inside of the shin bone causing shin splints.
Try arch setting to strengthen the foot muscles. Push down with your toes and try to lift your arch of the foot upwards.
If you have any questions about how to fix and cure your shin splint issues, please contact us at the clinic, book online, or call 1300 369 930.